Exclusive screening of I am Femen & an interview with leading star Oxana Shachko. The feminist activist group Femen was founded in 2008 in Ukraine. The group is known for radical, topless protests fighting…Read moreI am Femen
As a part of our new project “Hand In Hand Against The Mafia”, The Society of International Affairs welcomes you to a panel debate about organized crime. From the Italian and Eastern European…Read moreThe Mafia: How Big of a Threat to European Societies?
The Society of International Affairs, Gothenburg presents, in cooperation with Cinema Politica, The award winning documentary "Hit & Stay" Hit & Stay portrays the hidden history of the Action Community and the raids…Read moreHit and Stay
Department of Political Science, Sprängkullsgatan 19
The Model UNited Nations Society in Gothenburg would like to invite you to an evening simulation of the African Union on the topic of "Addressing the threat of Boko Haram and similar groups and…Read moreMUN simulation: African Union
The unexpected rise of the Islamic State (ISIS, IS, ISIL) movement in Syria and Iraq is challenging not only the Arab and Muslim World, but the security in Europe and North America. It has…Read moreWhat is the Islamic State: History and Politics
In April The Annual Conference on Foreign Affairs 2015 will take place in Gothenburg. Hosted by SAIA (UFS) together with the convent group we look forward to two days filled with workshops and lectures…Read moreThe Annual Conference on Foreign Affairs 2015
Are you interested in environmental issues? Would you like the chance to go to Washington DC? If the answers to these questions are yes, then this is something for you! Members of UF…Read moreEnvironmental policy competition
A People Uncounted tells the true story of the Roma, commonly referred to as Gypsies -a people who have been both romanticized and vilified in popular culture and who have endured centuries of intolerance…Read moreA people uncounted
On April 16th the Society of International Affairs in Gothenburg welcomes you to the practical lecture - “The art of public debating” by Gustaf Lundgren. If you have to engage in public debating…Read moreThe art of public debating