
Within UF Gothenburg there are seven different committees, each responsible for different parts of our operations. If you want to become involved, ask something, or pitch an idea, you can find all contact information below.…Read moreCommittees

About Us

Our aim and ambition is to spread knowledge and spark discussion about foreign policy issues by arranging exciting events such as lectures, debates, travels, and field trips. We also have our own digital magazine…Read moreAbout Us


Within UF Gothenburg there are seven different committees, each responsible for different parts of our operations. If you want to become involved, ask something, or pitch an idea, you can find all contact information below.…Read moreCommittees

About Us

Our aim and ambition is to spread knowledge and spark discussion about foreign policy issues by arranging exciting events such as lectures, debates, travels, and field trips. We also have our own digital magazine…Read moreAbout Us



Our MUN Committee is back!

We are very excited to introduce our new Model United Nations Committee. Say hello to: Nico (Social), Lisa (Head of Committee), Moaath (debate coordinator), Lena (workshop coordinator) and Tala (PR)!
Make sure to follow them on Instagram to stay updated on all future activities @ufgbgmun

Board trip to Stockholm!

At the beginning of this year (2025) we took an educational board trip to Stockholm to learn more about how the Swedish government and state makes the decisions that will impact foreign affairs.

On our visit we got a tour of the Swedish parliament and learned about the process for laws and policies to get passed and the parliament’s together with the European Union. We also toured the Royal Castle to learn about swedish history and how that still has an impact today as well as what role the swedish royal family has in Sweden today.

While this trip was organized for current board members of UF Gothenburg, we have more events and activites planned for all members. We have a trip to Skopje for members in May and are already working a planning a member trip for next organizational year (25/26)!