UF Gothenburg welcomes you to an informal meeting together with Mr. Mark R. Evans, Counselor for Political and Economic Affairs at the U.S Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden. Mr. Evans has a long carrier…Read moreThe U.S Election and it’s Foreign Policy Implications
For the first time ever, the UF Göteborg Model United Nations Committee will simulate the United States Senate. The topic of the debate will be the "Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on the American Society".…Read moreMUN simulation – Autonomous Vehicles (US Senate)
The Event Committee of the Society of International Affairs in Gothenburg in co-operation with Cinema Politica welcomes you to the screening of WE WERE CHILDREN. This documentary film combines interviews with two survivors of…Read moreWe were children
Come to our kick-off’s and meet our different committees! They will gladly inform you of what they do and how to become active within their committees. At the event you can become a…Read moreKick Off
Should we accept global economic crises as an unfortunate side-effect of the free market? ‘Marx Reloaded’ is a cultural documentary that examines German philosopher Karl Marx's ideas for understanding the global economic and…Read moreMarx Reloaded
Welcome to another free film screening with the Society of International Affairs in Gothenburg and Cinema Politica! On Wednesday the 23rd of March we will screen the award-winning documentary MY BROOKLYN. What are the…Read moreMy Brooklyn
Are you interested in issues of global importance? Do you want to learn about other countries and a multitude of interesting topics? Then join Model United Nations (MUN) ! At MUN, we simulate negotiations…Read moreFika with the MUN Committee
Det har gått 15 år sedan talibanernas regering störtades, men fortfarande syns fred i Afghanistan avlägseen. Samtidigt får alltfler afghanska barn gå i skolan och mödradödligheten sjunker. Vart är Afghanistan på väg? Hur…Read moreVart är Afghanistan på väg?