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Speed Lectures About EU Issues

Faculty of Arts & Faculty of Political Science

This is one of many upcoming events related to the “Super Election Year of 2014″ and the EU Parliament Election the 25th of May, organized by Poliforum.   Poliforum gives you exiciting speed lectures about…Read moreSpeed Lectures About EU Issues

Carl Bildt: Focus Europe

Studenternas Hus, Lingsalen

This is one of many upcoming events related to the “Super Election Year of 2014″ and the EU Parliament Election the 25th of May, organized by Poliforum.   Welcome to a discussion and Q&A with…Read moreCarl Bildt: Focus Europe


Hörsal Dragonen Sprängkullsgatan 19, Göteborg

MIC CHECK - A fascinating and multifaceted portrait of one of the defining political struggles of our time.   When thousands of people concerned about growing economic inequality gathered in Zuccotti Park in New…Read moreMIC CHECK

UFS i Almedalen 2014

Almedalen, Visby , Sweden

Almedalsveckan 2014. Utrikespolitiska Förbundet Sverige är såklart på plats under politikerveckan. Kom och besök oss i centrala Visby. Vi anordnar en mängd intressanta seminarium och föreläsningar under veckan. Du hittar samtliga UFS-evenemang på UFS…Read moreUFS i Almedalen 2014