The Society of International Affairs travels to a MUN (Model United Nations) conference in Budapest in April 10th-16th 2014. Join us! The topic of the UN simulation conference will be “Sustainable Development”. Anyone…Read moreApply to go with UF to the MUN Conference in Budapest in April!
Until Lions tell their tale, the story of the hunt will always glorify the hunter- African proverb Crime, poor education, poverty, self-hatred, prison system, broken homes plague people of African descent globally – Why?…Read more500 Years Later
Would you like to know more about the Society of International Affairs (UF)? Would you like to become a member? Would you like to become an active member? Would you like to have…Read moreStart-Up Mingle – Welcome!
Varmt välkomna till seminariekväll om millenniemålen och FNs globala utvecklingsarbete, arrangerat av FN-förbundets millenniemålsambassadörer och Utrikespolitiska föreningen Göteborg. Kvällen är helt gratis och kommer även bjuda på matiga mackor, millenniemålsaktivitet och mingel. Välkomna!…Read moreSeminariekväll om millenniemålen och FN:s utvecklingsarbete
The Society of International Affairs in Gothenburg welcomes you to a free film screening, open for everyone! After the screening we will go to a nearby pub to hang out and discuss the movie.…Read moreBidder 70
Come talk to the Society of International Affairs at the SPIRA labour market fair the 27th of February 2014 at Campus Haga, Sprängkullsgatan 19, hours 10-15. We will be at the fair so that you…Read moreThe SPIRA Labour Market Fair – Meet us there!
Africa has for a long time been described with words such as war, disastrous famine and Aids epidemic. But the continent has changed and so the given image of it. Analysts are today talking…Read moreSten Rylander: Africa Turning – A Continent in Change