Lecture hall Sappören
Sprängkullsgatan 25, Göteborg, Sweden
The Anglo-Swedish Society of Gothenburg, British Club and Utrikespolitiska föreningen Göteborg are pleased to host a Brexit Update Town Hall meeting. The British Ambassador H.E. Mr David Cairns will present the latest information concerning…Read moreBrexit Update
Are you interested in international affairs? Would you like to take part in developing one of the largest and most well-known student societies in Gothenburg? In that case, you might be who we’re looking…Read moreUF Board Elections 2018
Lecture hall Sappören
Sprängkullsgatan 25, Göteborg, Sweden
The Event Committee of the Society of International Affairs in Gothenburg in co-operation with Cinema Politica and Folkuniversitetet welcomes you to its Autumn Film Festival 'LIFE IN IRAN'. The festival will broadcast documentaries…Read moreFilm festival: Life in Iran
Lecture hall Sappören
Sprängkullsgatan 25, Göteborg, Sweden
The Event Committee of the Society of International Affairs in Gothenburg in co-operation with Cinema Politica and Folkuniversitetet welcomes you to its Autumn Film Festival 'LIFE IN IRAN'. The festival will broadcast documentaries…Read moreFilm festival: Life in Iran
The topic for this Fika Politica is “Tax evasion and global inequality.” The Paradise Papers leak has once again shown, that the world’s richest individuals and biggest companies are able to hide a significant…Read moreFika Politica: Tax Evasion and Global Inequality
The Society of International Affairs in Gothenburg welcomes all its members and participants to the annual meeting of 2018. The annual meeting is the highest decision making body of the association, and the agenda…Read moreUF Annual Meeting 2018
Den 9:e Maj anordnar Utrikespolitiska föreningen i samarbete med Göteborgs socialdemokratiska högskoleförening ett öppet lunchsamtal med utrikesminister Margot Wallström och näringsminister Mikael Damberg på temat ”Trygghet i en ny värld”. Ministrarna kommer ge sin…Read moreLunchsamtal med Wallström och Damberg: Trygghet i en ny värld 9/5