David Pallarès was born and grown up in Barcelona. He moved to Sweden in 2003 and is currently a researcher at Chalmers University. He is the coordinator in Sweden of the Catalan Assembly, a…Read moreSplitting up Spain: More States on the Scene?
Sweden contributed substantially to the eradication of the racist policies of the apartheid regime in South Africa. Bengt Säve-Söderbergh, has been involved for decades in the struggle against apartheid and colonialism in southern Africa,…Read moreSecret Solidarity: Sweden’s role in fighting apartheid in South Africa
The Society of International Affairs in Gothenburg welcomes you to a free film screening, open for everyone! Occupied by China in 1949, Tibetans are now a minority in their own country. They have…Read moreThe Tibet Within
A seminar on the challenges for civil society, sustainable development and education in Africa's largest economy. In April, Nigeria made the news all over the world with the #BringBackOurGirls campaign, following the abduction of…Read moreThe Many Faces of Nigeria
After 35 years of war and violence, Afghanistan is looking for a road to a peaceful future. Much has evolved in the country in recent years - more children are in school, a free…Read moreAfghanistan -a war torn country seeking a future.
The Society of International Affairs in Gothenburg in co-operation with Cinema Politica welcomes you to the first film club of the year 2015, screening Vessel. This movie has not only received terrorist threats but…Read moreVessel
Would you like to be come a part of the Society of International Affairs? Maybe get involved in one of our committees? Our committees you can get involved in is: The Lecture…Read moreKick Off Mingle
Are you keeping yourself updated about what's going on in the association? Do you want to represent us? Then this is something for you! Our Pr committee is now looking for new active…Read moreFirst PR committee meeting on Monday