About Us

Our aim and ambition is to spread knowledge and spark discussion about foreign policy issues by arranging exciting events such as lectures, debates, movie screenings, travels, and field trips. We also have our own magazine called Utblick and a podcast called The Global Inn, where we publish something every week.

The Society of International Affairs in Gothenburg (Utrikespolitiska föreningen i Göteborg – UF) is a politically and religiously independent association that belongs to Utrikespolitiska förbundet Sverige (UFS). We have sister associations represented in ten other UF cities. We want to be a place where people from various courses, nationalities and interests can meet to broaden their knowledge about various international and global issues as well as other cultures and religions.

Sounds interesting? Check out our Instagram (ufgbg) for current updates and join our next event!



The Society of International Affairs in Gothenburg (as well as Utrikespolitiska förbundet Sverige in general) is a non-profit organization. Our activities are funded through an annual grant from MUCF, Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor (Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society). Read more about them here.